Use of Natural Light in Modern Apartments

Natural Light


Our forefathers did not have access to artificial lighting. For countless years, daylight was the centre of human civilization, and many faiths revered the sun as the source of all life.

Until the turn of the 20th century (when electric lighting started to become popular), no one would have ever considered discussing the advantages of natural light, because that was the only “light”!.

To the disadvantage of our physical and mental health, as well as our general productivity, our dependence on artificial light has increased as a result of the changes in our working and living habits.

Most of us spend a vast majority of our time working, eating, sleeping, or just unwinding at our homes.

Including natural light in your house may have a variety of positive effects on the body and mind. Whether it’s morning or afternoon, utilising natural lighting mixes the comfort of your home’s interior with the lovely outside sunshine.

Benefits of Natural Light in your Homes?

There are several advantages of natural lighting for the house that may enhance your mood and physical health.

According to studies, Americans spend 90% of their time indoors on average. We miss out on the vital advantages of natural light and sunlight with Vitamin D since so many of us spend the most of our day indoors.

To fully benefit from natural light, it is crucial to discover other ways to use it, such the following:

  • Reduces costs by utilising energy efficiently

There are more reasons for natural light to be used in your home than only to make it brighter. Natural light may reduce the demand for inside lighting, which can be energy-efficient and cost-effective.

Daylighting is the act of bringing sunshine into your house through windows and other sources of natural illumination.

This strategy for natural lighting creates a sun-washed space that is ideal for relaxing, enjoying a drink, or reading a book while also lowering your electricity costs.

  • Enhances comfort by easing eye strain

The greater comfort that comes with natural light in your house is one of its other advantages. Because your eyes are always trying to see, prolonged exposure to artificial light might occasionally produce eye discomfort or small headaches.

As an alternative, studies suggest that exposure to sunshine may lower the incidence of nearsightedness. Further investigation has revealed that exposure to sunlight and natural light can improve eyesight.

  • Boosts Productivity

Your mood can be elevated and your productivity can be increased with natural illumination.

According to recent studies, the two factors that have the highest effects on employee wellbeing are air quality and natural light.

When working from home, natural lighting may increase output and enhance your attitude.

  • Beneficial for Indoor Plants

Give indoor plants enough natural light, and they’ll thrive. Indoor plants may enhance your home’s attractiveness and offer a number of health advantages. If you live in a rental apartment, consider growing small plants rather than big ones, as they are easier to move.

Plants may thrive and flourish with new growth when they have ample access to natural light.

  • Lowers Stress and Anxiety Levels

Your mood may be significantly influenced by natural light. Your mental health advantages from natural light include a reduction in worry and stress.

More exposure to natural light and sunlight can help people with seasonal affective disorder feel better.

  • Has positive effects on health

Natural light has several health advantages, including improved seasonal affective disorder and higher vitamin D levels.

Our bodies manufacture more vitamin D when exposed to natural light,

which also enhances our circadian rhythms, sleep patterns, attention spans, productivity, and overall happiness.

Getting enough of this essential resource is crucial for both our physical and mental health. Yet because we now spend over 90% of our time indoors, it is challenging for us to benefit from natural light because we don’t get enough of it.

Those who are prone to eye irritation or general discomfort from prolonged exposure to artificial lighting can also benefit from natural lighting.

  • Improves Sleep Quality

Our ability to fall asleep is critically dependent on natural light. According to research, the most significant external element influencing sleep is light.

Natural light has a direct impact on the circadian rhythm, the body’s internal clock. Natural light can improve sleep quality and lessen eye discomfort.

  • Raises the value of homes

Houses with lovely windows and lots of natural light frequently fetch higher prices. A view from the windows may let a room appear larger than it is.

One of the finest home upgrades to raise property value is installing new windows and window coverings, which may also be energy-efficient.

Not only natural lighting has these advantages but they also look elegant and pleasant to live. Here are some flats where the natural lighting is in abundance.


Humans are still physiologically wired to benefit from exposure to sunshine, despite all of our contemporary advancements. Because of artificial illumination, we no longer experience the day and night cycles that our bodies are built to operate around as a result of the quick pace of technology innovation that has significantly outpaced the rate of our natural evolution.

Now that the advantages of natural light have been well studied and recorded, it is evident that everyone should have as much access to it as possible.

In fact, according to a recent study, 27% of homeowners who are remodelling want to create a more modern environment with lots of natural light. The benefits of natural lighting on our bodies and the advantages it has on the structures we spend so much time in is directly proportional to each other!

We may be a long way from a society where everyone is encased in glass structures, as in the Photon Space, but as our understanding of the value of sunlight and the advantages of natural light increases, we may begin to

consciously choose how to enhance our health and quality of life.

The secret to a better, more promising future may lie in remembering these ideas as our society and individuals evolve!

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