Home Remodeling And Renovation


The home is the heart of our lives. It’s where we live, work and play. If you’re going through a remodeling or renovation project, it can be stressful and time-consuming. That’s why

Haag Construction is here to help! We offer a wide range of services including new construction, renovation and remodeling/addition projects in the Connecticut area.

New Construction

New construction is the most expensive option, but it is also the most time-consuming. The home owner must wait for their contractor to complete the job before moving in. While this may not seem like much of a delay, it can be frustrating for homeowners who are trying to get settled into their new space before their children arrive at school, or even just want some extra time before moving out of their old house. On top of that, if you’re planning on using your remodeled kitchen as an office space when working from home full-time (which I know many people do), then having your cabinets installed first would make sense because they’ll be ready by then!


Renovations are a great way to update your home. They can be done in stages, or even phases. This means that you can go through the process of renovation gradually, rather than all at once. For example, if you want to redo all the walls in one room and then change out some appliances in another room and do some painting on some other walls but not others (or vice versa) – this is called a phased renovation because it allows for time between each phase so that there’s not so much pressure on yourself when working on different elements about them at once!


Remodeling a house is different from adding an addition to a house. Remodels are usually focused on one area of the home and can be done at any time. Adding an extension or new room requires planning for the structure and design of that new space, as well as meeting code requirements for safety and structural integrity. Remodeling may also include painting, flooring and other decorative elements; this will depend on what you want to accomplish within your budget constraints

Aging in Place Restroom Renovation

Aging in place, or the practice of aging gracefully and maintaining one’s home as long as possible while still enjoying it, is a buzzword that has been gaining traction among homeowners across the country. Aging in place involves taking care to maintain your home so you can continue living there until you pass away—but it doesn’t stop there!

Aging-in-place renovations can be done on any space within your house or apartment: from bathrooms (where they’re often upcycled into an extension of one’s bedroom) to kitchens and laundry rooms. These types of renovations require skilled contractors who have experience working with older homes, but they’re also all about making sure those spaces are safe for new residents to enjoy without worrying about falling through floors or breaking down walls during their stay.

Kitchen Renovation

Kitchen remodeling is a great way to improve the value of your home, as well as the quality of your life. It’s also an excellent way to enhance the appearance of your home and make it feel more like a place you want to be.

Historic Preservation or Restoration

Historic preservation and restoration is a complicated process. It involves many steps, including research, planning and design. While it can be rewarding and satisfying to work on historic properties of significance, the process can also be very time-consuming and expensive.


Haag construction

Haag Construction is a full service construction company specializing in new construction, renovation and remodeling. We have been serving the community of Washington DC since 1989 and we pride ourselves on our past work history.

We are experts at historic preservation and restoration projects such as:

  • Renovation work on old homes (carpenter work)
  • Historic preservation & restoration of structures (plastering walls, painting floors etc.)

Our goal is for you to be 100% satisfied with your project from start to finish!

Haag Construction is the place to call for home remodeling services!

Haag Construction is a family owned and operated business. We have been in business for over 20 years, and we are proud of our reputation for quality workmanship. Our goal is to provide the best service possible at reasonable prices.

Haag Construction has an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau (BBB). This means that your home improvement job will be completed on time, within budget, with outstanding results!


I hope this article has provided you with some insights into what Haag Construction is all about. We love to work on homes of all types and sizes, so if your dream home is in need of some renovations or construction services, please don’t hesitate to call us today!

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