Can I Teach Myself To Plaster?


Plastering is one of the most rewarding and fun ways to earn money.

Plastering is a process that involves covering walls with specially-made plaster. You can plaster a house, office, room, or even yourself if you’re feeling frisky!

The trick to plastering is knowing how to mix the right mix of materials and apply it correctly. It’s easy once you get the hang of it! 

So, Can I teach myself to plaster?

You can teach yourself to plaster!

It’s true. You have to know where to look.

You’ve probably seen the internet and YouTube videos promising that you can learn how to plaster in an afternoon, and that’s because some people out there are willing to tell you precisely what you want to hear. But those videos are for beginners—people who have never done any plastering before or don’t know what they’re doing. 

Most of them are just after the views and sponsorship money.

If you want accurate results from your work, you need professional help from a skilled plasterer who knows what they’re doing. 

Why should you take a professional plastering course?

We know what you’re thinking—you’ve just seen a video of someone plastering their wall and thought, “I could do that.” But you’re mistaken. You can teach yourself to plaster, but you won’t be at the same level as other professionals.

Why? Because plastering is an art. It takes patience, determination, and a lot of elbow grease to get the job done right. No shortcut will help you if you want to be a good plastering artist.

You should enroll in a specialist plastering course to become a skilled plasterer.

Here are some reasons why you can’t self-teach yourself how to plaster:

1- Extremely difficult to learn on your own

The reason is that plastering is a profession—and professions require apprenticeships and certifications. You might be able to get by with some tips from your dad or uncle, who’s been plastering for 30 years, but you’re going to have a hard time learning the craft without taking a class or two.

2- Industry standards

When you teach yourself how to plaster, you won’t have the know-how about the job market, industry standards, and other things you should know. You need to know how to find jobs, where to find them, how to handle clients, and many other things taught in schools.

3- Safety

And finally, some safety concerns with plastering aren’t as big an issue when it comes to other trades like electrical work or plumbing installation. For example, when sanding down plaster walls to prepare them for painting, there’s often a risk of breathing in harmful dust particles from the sandpaper.


You’ve come this far, and we’re sure you’ve heard the same advice repeatedly. But here’s the truth:

You can’t plaster like a pro without a professional course.

Now that we’ve convinced you why you need a plastering course (and maybe even convinced yourself) , get started by taking any professional course!

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